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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Sep-2015A diffusion driven carburisation combined with a multiaxial continuum creep model to predict random multiple cracking in engineering alloysBiglari, FR; Nikbin, KM;
Jan-2020A novel method for load line displacement rate partitioning in creep crack growth tests on Type 316H stainless steelJones, MD; Dean, DW; Hughes, D; Davies, CM; , et al
1-Jul-2018A unified potential drop calibration function for common crack growth specimensTarnowski, K; Nikbin, K; Dean, DW; Davies, C; , et al
1-Mar-2018Improvements in the measurement of creep crack initiation and growth using potential dropTarnowski, KM; Nikbin, KM; Dean, DW; Davies, CM; , et al
1-Jun-2019Multiscale-constraint based model to predict uniaxial/multiaxial creep damage and crack growth in 316-H steelsNikbin, K; Liu, S;
Dec-2020On the computational derivation of bond-based peridynamic stress tensorFallah, AS; Giannakeas, IN; Mella, R; Wenman, MR; Safa, Y, et al
8-Jul-2017Predicting the influence of strain on crack length measurements performed using the potential drop methodTarnowski, KM; Dean, DW; Nikbin, KM; Davies, CM; , et al