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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Sep-2017Ab initio exchange-correlation free energy of the uniform electron gas at warm dense matter conditionsGroth, S; Dornheim, T; Sjostrom, T; Malone, FD; Foulkes, WMC, et al
6-Mar-2017Ab initio quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the warm dense electron gasDornheim, T; Groth, S; Malone, FD; Schoof, T; Sjostrom, T, et al
7-Oct-2016Ab initio quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the warm dense electron gas in the thermodynamic limitDornheim, T; Groth, S; Sjostrom, T; Malone, FD; Foulkes, WMC, et al
7-Sep-2016Accurate exchange-correlation energies for the warm dense electron gasMalone, FD; Blunt, NS; Brown, EW; Lee, DKK; Spencer, JS, et al
28-Jul-2015Interaction picture density matrix quantum Monte CarloMalone, FD; Blunt, NS; Shepherd, JJ; Lee, DKK; Spencer, JS, et al
17-Nov-2015Open-Source Development Experiences in Scientific Software: The HANDE Quantum Monte Carlo ProjectSpencer, JS; Blunt, NS; Vigor, WA; Malone, FD; Foulkes, WMC, et al
25-Jan-2019The HANDE-QMC project: open-source stochastic quantum chemistry from the ground state upSpencer, JS; Blunt, NS; Choi, S; Etrych, J; Filip, M-A, et al