Browsing by Sponsor/Funder COSMIC (Children of St.Mary's Intensive Care)

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Dec-2015A supported psychoeducational intervention to improve family mental health following discharge from paediatric intensive care: feasibility and pilot randomised controlled trialAls, L; Nadel, S; Cooper, M; Vickers, B; Garralda Hualde, ME, et al
1-Oct-2018Diagnosis of Kawasaki disease using a minimal whole blood gene expression signatureWright, V; Herberg, J; Kaforou, M; Shimizu, C; Eleftherohorinou, H, et al
30-Oct-2018Inflammation and psychopathology in children following PICU admission: an exploratory studyCaspani, G; Corbet Burcher, G; Garralda, ME; Cooper, M; Pierce, CM, et al
26-May-2021Kawasaki Disease patient stratification and pathway analysis based on host transcriptomic and proteomic profilesJackson, H; Menikou, S; Hamilton, M; McArdle, A; Shimizu, C, et al