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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Aug-2016A comparison of hemagglutination inhibition and neutralization assays for characterizing immunity to seasonal influenza ATruelove, S; Zhu, H; Lessler, J; Riley, S; Read, JM, et al
29-Jun-2016High turnover drives prolonged persistence of influenza in managed pig herdsPitzer, VE; Aguas, R; Riley, S; Loeffen, WL; Wood, JL, et al
16-Jul-2015Potential biases in estimating absolute and relative case-fatality risks during outbreaksLipsitch, M; Donnelly, CA; Fraser, C; Blake, IM; Cori, A, et al
24-Jan-2018Temporal variation of human encounters and the number of locations in which they occur: a longitudinal study of Hong Kong residentsKwok, KO; Cowling, B; Wei, V; Riley, S; Read, JM, et al
6-Dec-2017The persistence of multiple strains of avian influenza in live bird markets.Pinsent, A; Pepin, KM; Zhu, H; Guan, Y; White, MT, et al