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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-May-2018A bald statement – current approaches to manipulate miniaturisation focus only on promoting hair growthPantelireis, N; Higgins, C;
1-Feb-2022A mathematical model to identify optimal combinations of drug targets for dupilumab poor responders in atopic dermatitisMiyano, T; Irvine, A; Tanaka, R;
-Can serum biomarkers predict the outcome of systemic immunosuppressive therapy in adult atopic dermatitis patients?Hurault, G; Roekevisch; Schram; Szegedi; Kezic, et al
Sep-2022Detecting eczema areas in digital images: an impossible task?Hurault, G; Pan, K; Ricardo, M; Bayanne, O; Eleanor, E, et al
29-Sep-2020EczemaNet: automating detection and severity assessment of atopic dermatitisPan, K; Hurault, G; Arulkumaran, K; Williams, H; Tanaka, R, et al
28-Mar-2022EczemaPred: a computational framework for personalised prediction of eczema severity dynamicsHurault, G; Stalder; Mery; Delarue; Saint Aroman, et al
1-Apr-2021Impact of environmental factors in predicting daily severity scores of atopic dermatitisHurault, G; Delorieux, V; Kim, Y-M; Ahn, K; Williams, HC, et al
1-Mar-2021miRNA analysis of childhood atopic dermatitis reveals a role for miR-451aNousbeck, J; McAleer, MA; Hurault, G; Kenny, E; Harte, K, et al
May-2021A multi-omics approach to identify factors involved in hair follicle growth and developmentHiggins, Claire; Pantelireis, Nikolaos;
Feb-2020Non-melanoma skin cancer in HIV infection: the role of human papillomavirus (HPV), individual immunogenotype (HLA ‘tissue type’) and Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV)Bunker, Christopher; Gotch, Frances; Goolamali, Sacha Imran;
Nov-2020Personalised prediction of daily eczema severity scores using a mechanistic machine learning modelHurault, G; Domínguez-Hüttinger, E; Langan, S; Williams, H; Tanaka, R, et al
3-Jun-2021Polyplex-loaded hydrogels for local gene delivery to human dermal fibroblastsDuran Mota, JA; Quintanas Yani, J; Almquist, B; Borros, S; Oliva Jorge, N, et al
1-Jul-2018Predicting short- and long-term outcomes of a systemic therapy for atopic dermatitis using machine learning methodsHurault, G; Roekevisch, E; Szegedi, K; Kezic, S; Spuls, PI, et al
15-Oct-2018Relationship and probabilistic stratification of EASI and oSCORAD severity scores for atopic dermatitisHurault, G; Schram, M; Roekevisch, E; Spuls, P; Tanaka, RJ, et al
Mar-2021Scaffold-based developmental tissue engineering strategies for ectodermal organ regenerationContessi Negrini, N; Angelova Volponi, A; Higgins, CA; Sharpe, PT; Celiz, AD, et al
1-Mar-2019Systemic and stratum corneum biomarkers of severity in infant AD include markers of innate and Th-related immunity and angiogenesisMcAleer, MA; Jakasa, I; Hurault, G; Sarvari, P; McLean, WHI, et al
9-Apr-2018The hair follicle: an underutilized source of cells and materials for regenerative medicineKiani, MT; Higgins, CA; Almquist, BD; , et al