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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Combining Multi-Fidelity Modelling and Asynchronous Batch Bayesian OptimizationFolch, JP; Lee, RM; Shafei, B; Walz, D; Tsay, C, et al
10-Mar-2020ENTMOOT: A framework for optimization over ensemble tree modelsThebelt, A; Kronqvist, J; Mistry, M; Lee, RM; Sudermann-Merx, N, et al
Dec-2017Heat transfer effects in polymer flame retardancyRein, Guillermo; Navarro-Martinez, Salvador; Roenner, Nils;
28-Apr-2022Maximizing information from chemical engineering data sets: Applications to machine learningThebelt, A; Wiebe, J; Kronqvist, JPF; Tsay, C; Misener, R, et al
1-Jul-2021Mixed-integer convex nonlinear optimization with gradient-boosted trees embeddedMistry, M; Letsios, D; Krennrich, G; Lee, R; Misener, R, et al
-Optimization with gradient-boosted trees and risk controlMistry, M; Letsios, D; Misener, R; Krennrich, G; Lee, RM, et al
8-Feb-2021Partition-based formulations for mixed-integer optimization of trained ReLU neural networksTsay, C; Kronqvist, J; Thebelt, A; Misener, R; , et al