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Showing results 1 to 20 of 72  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2021A method for objectively evaluating the defect detection performance of in-situ monitoring systemsDe Winton, H; Cegla, F; Hooper, P; , et al
1-Aug-2018A pragmatic part scale model for residual stress and distortion prediction in powder bed fusionWilliams, R; Davies, C; Hooper, P;
1-Nov-2018A primer on pulsed power and linear transformer drivers for high energy density physics applicationsMcBride, RD; Stygar, WA; Cuneo, ME; Sinars, DB; Mazarakis, MG, et al
30-Nov-2019An experimental methodology to characterise post-necking behaviour and quantify ductile damage accumulation in isotropic materialsSancho, A; Cox, M; Cartwright, T; Davies, C; Hooper, P, et al
24-Jul-2016An in-depth case study: modelling an information barrier with Bayesian Belief NetworksHuth, MRA; Beaumont; Day, E; Evans, N; Haworth, S, et al
13-Jan-2020An investigation of the L-shell X-ray conversion efficiency for laser-irradiated tin foilsBailie, D; Hyland, C; Singh, R; White, S; Sarri, G, et al
13-Jan-2017Birefringence measurements in single crystal sapphire and calcite shocked along the a axisTear, GR; Chapman, DJ; Eakins, D; Proud, W; , et al
24-Jul-2016Bounded analysis of constrained dynamical systems: a case study in nuclear arms controlHuth, MRA; Beaumont, P; Evans, N; Plant, T; , et al
1-Aug-2019Burn regimes in the hydrodynamic scaling of perturbed inertial confinement fusion hotspotsTong, JK; McGlinchey, K; Appelbe, BD; Walsh, CA; Crilly, AJ, et al
24-Jul-2016Confidence analysis for nuclear arms control: SMT abstractions of Game Theoretic ModelsHuth, MRA; Beaumont, P; Evans, N; Plant, T; , et al
30-Jun-2020Corrections to weighted opacities and energy exchange rate in 3-T radiation-hydrodynamicsMcLean, KW; Rose, SJ;
Jan-2021Creep deformation and failure properties of 316 L stainless steel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion under multiaxial loading conditionsWilliams, RJ; Al-Lami, J; Hooper, PA; Pham, M-S; Davies, CM, et al
24-Feb-2020Density determination of the thermonuclear fuel region in inertial confinement fusion implosionsVolegov, PL; Batha, SH; Geppert-Kleinrath, V; Danly, CR; Merrill, FE, et al
18-Aug-2020Development and validation of a Hopkinson bar for hazardous materialsQuinn, R; Zhang, LH; Cox, MJ; Townsend, D; Cartwright, T, et al
1-Dec-2018Diagnostic signatures of performance degrading perturbations in inertial confinement fusion implosionsMcGlinchey, K; Appelbe, BD; Crilly, AJ; Tong, JK; Walsh, CA, et al
11-May-2022Effect of strongly magnetized electrons and Ions on heat flow and symmetry of inertial fusion implosionsBose, A; Peebles, J; Walsh, CA; Frenje, JA; V. Kabadi, N, et al
Sep-2020Effects of heat treatment on residual stresses in the laser powder bed fusion of 316L stainless steel: Finite element predictions and neutron diffraction measurementsWilliams, RJ; Vecchiato, F; Kelleher, J; Wenman, MR; Hooper, PA, et al
20-Sep-2022Efficacy of ICF experiments in light ion fusion cross section measurement at nucleosynthesis relevant energiesCrilly, A; Garin-Fernandez, I; Appelbe, B; Chittenden, J; , et al
9-Sep-2019Enhanced fluorescence from x-ray line coincidence pumping of K-pumped Cl and Mg-pumped Ge plasmasNilsen, J; Burridge, D; Hobbs, LMR; Hoarty, D; Beiersdorfer, P, et al
27-Dec-2015Etch pitting and subsurface pore growth during the thermal etching of silverOllivier, M; Harker, RM; Gourlay, CM;