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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Feb-2016A Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation of the First Reported Human Infection With the Zoonotic Parasite Trypanosoma evansi in Southeast AsiaNguyen, VVC; Le, BC; Desquesnes, M; Herder, S; Nguyen, PHL, et al
Apr-2023A multi-site, multi-wavelength PPG platform for continuous non-invasive health monitoring in hospital settingsKarolcik, S; Ming, D; Yacoub, S; Holmes, A; Georgiou, P
1-Jun-2019Achieving affordable critical care in low-income and middle-income countriesTurner, HC; Nguyen, VH; Yacoub, S; Van, MTH; Clifton, DA, et al
-Applied machine learning for the risk-stratification and clinical decision support of hospitalised patients with dengue in VietnamMing, DK; Hernandez, B; Sangkaew, S; Vuong, NL; Lam, PK, et al
26-May-2016Association of microvascular function and endothelial biomarkers with clinical outcome in dengue: an observational studyYacoub, S; Lam, PK; Vu, LH; Le, TL; Ha, NT, et al
10-Jul-2017Cardio-haemodynamic assessment and venous lactate in severe dengue: Relationship with recurrent shock and respiratory distressYacoub, S; Trieu, HT; Phung, KL; Vuong, HNT; Duong, HTH, et al
11-Mar-2016Clinical evaluation of dengue and identification of risk factors for severe disease: protocol for a multicentre study in 8 countriesJaenisch, T; Dong, THT; Nguyen, TTK; Tran, VN; Nguyen, TN, et al
22-Jun-2021Combination of inflammatory and vascular markers in the febrile phase of dengue is associated with more severe outcomesNguyen, LV; Phung, KL; Ming, DKY; Huynh, TLD; Nguyet, MN, et al
1-Jul-2020Continuous physiological monitoring using wearable technology to inform individual management of infectious diseases, public health and outbreak responsesMing, DK; Sorawat, S; Chanh, HQ; Nhat, PTH; Yacoub, S, et al
-Direct medical costs of tetanus, dengue, and sepsis patients in an intensive care unit in vietnamHung, TM; Van Hao, N; Yen, LM; McBride, A; Dat, VQ, et al
29-Jun-2017Endothelial nitric oxide pathways in the pathophysiology of dengue: a prospective observational study.Yacoub, S; Lam, PK; Huynh, TT; Nguyen Ho, HH; Dong Thi, HT, et al
1-Aug-2018Improving Dengue diagnostics and management through innovative technologyRodriguez-Manzano, J; Ying Chia, P; Wen Yeo, T; Holmes, AH; Georgiou, P, et al
1-Aug-2018Improving Dengue Diagnostics and Management Through Innovative Technology (vol 20, 25, 2018)Rodriguez-Manzano, J; Chia, PY; Yeo, TW; Holmes, A; Georgiou, P, et al
22-Feb-2023Learning meaningful latent space representations for patient risk stratification: model development and validation for dengue and other acute febrile illnessHernandez Perez, B; Stiff, O; Ming, D; Ho Quang, C; Vuong Nguyen, L, et al
2-Feb-2023Mapping patient pathways and understanding clinical decision-making in dengue management to inform the development of digital health toolsMing, D; Nguyen, QH; An, LP; Chanh, HQ; Tam, DTH, et al
25-Nov-2015New insights into the immunopathology and control of dengue virus infectionScreaton, G; Mongkolsapaya, J; Yacoub, S; Roberts, C;
2-Nov-2024Predicting deterioration in dengue using a low cost wearable for continuous clinical monitoringMing, D; Daniels, J; Chanh, HQ; Karolcik, S; Hernandez-Perez, B, et al
19-Jan-2016Recent advances in understanding dengueYacoub, S; Mongkolsapaya, J; Screaton, G;
Jul-2021Risk predictors of progression to severe disease during the febrile phase of dengue: a systematic review and meta-analysisSangkaew, S; Ming, D; Boonyasiri, A; Honeyford, K; Kalayanarooj, S, et al
7-Apr-2022The compensatory reserve index predicts recurrent shock in patients with severe dengueTrieu, HT; Khanh, LP; Ming, DKY; Quang, CH; Phan, TQ, et al