Browsing by Author Vyssotski, A

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
23-Jul-2018A neuronal hub binding sleep initiation and body cooling in response to a warm external stimulusHarding, E; Yu, X; Miao, A; Andrews, N; Ma, Y, et al
-A specific circuit in the midbrain detects stress and induces restorative sleepYu, X; Zhao, G; Wang, D; Wang, S; Li, R, et al
19-Feb-2018Excitatory pathways from the lateral habenula enable propofol-induced sedationGelegen, C; Miracca, G; Ran, M; Harding, E; Ye, Z, et al
Jan-2019GABA and glutamate neurons in the VTA regulate sleep and wakefulnessYu, X; Li, W; Ma, Y; Tossell, K; Harris, J, et al
7-Oct-2019Galanin neurons unite sleep homeostasis and α2-adrenergic sedationMa, Y; Miracca, G; Yu, X; Harding, E; Miao, A, et al
5-Feb-2019Genetic lesioning of histamine neurons increases sleep-wake fragmentation and reveals their contribution to modafinil-induced wakefulnessYu, X; Ma, Y; Harding, E; Yustos, R; Vyssotski, A, et al
1-Jun-2022NMDA receptors in the lateral preoptic hypothalamus are essential for sustaining NREM and REM sleepMiracca, G; Anuncibay Soto, B; Tossell, K; Yustos, R; Vyssotski, A, et al
2-Jul-2020Sleep deprivation triggers somatostatin neurons in prefrontal cortex to initiate nesting and sleep via the preoptic and lateral hypothalamusTossell, K; Yu, X; Soto, BA; Vicente, M; Miracca, G, et al