Browsing by Author Taani, M

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Dec-2021Diffuse supernova neutrino background search at Super-KamiokandeAbe, K; Bronner, C; Hayato, Y; Hiraide, K; Ikeda, M, et al
9-Oct-2020Indirect search for dark matter from the Galactic Center and halo with the Super-Kamiokande detectorAbe, K; Bronner, C; Haga, Y; Hayato, Y; Ikeda, M, et al
1-Jun-2018Physics potentials with the second Hyper-Kamiokande detector in KoreaAbe, K; Abe, K; Ahn, SH; Aihara, H; Aimi, A, et al
12-Aug-2022Pre-supernova alert system for super-kamiokandeMachado, LN; Abe, K; Hayato, Y; Hiraide, K; Ieki, K, et al
4-Dec-2019Search for astronomical neutrinos from blazar TXS 0506+056 in super-kamiokandeHagiwara, K; Abe, K; Bronner, C; Hayato, Y; Ikeda, M, et al
25-Mar-2020Search for proton decay into three charged leptons in 0.37 megaton-years exposure of the Super-KamiokandeTanaka, M; Abe, K; Bronner, C; Hayato, Y; Ikeda, M, et al
10-Oct-2022Search for proton decay via p -> mu(+) K-0 in 0.37 megaton-years exposure of Super-KamiokandeMatsumoto, R; Abe, K; Hayato, Y; Hiraide, K; Ieki, K, et al
10-Nov-2019Sensitivity of super-kamiokande with gadolinium to low energy antineutrinos from pre-supernova emissionSimpson, C; Abe, K; Bronner, C; Hayato, Y; Ikeda, M, et al