Browsing by Author Quynh, NN

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Aug-2019Effects and acceptability of implementing improved cookstoves and heaters to reduce household air pollution: a FRESH AIR studyVan Gemert, F; De Jong, C; Kirenga, B; Musinguzi, P; Buteme, S, et al
6-Oct-2020Implementing a context-driven awareness programme addressing household air pollution and tobacco: a FRESH AIR studyBrakema, EA; Van Gemert, FA; Williams, S; Sooronbaev, T; Emilov, B, et al
10-Dec-2020No time for change? Impact of contextual factors on the effect of training primary care healthcare workers in Kyrgyzstan and Vietnam on how to manage asthma in children - A FRESH AIR implementation study.Kjærgaard, J; Nissen, TN; Isaeva, E; Quynh, NN; Reventlow, S, et al
20-Oct-2020Publisher Correction: Implementing a context-driven awareness programme addressing household air pollution and tobacco: a FRESH AIR studyBrakema, EA; Van Gemert, FA; Williams, S; Sooronbaev, T; Emilov, B, et al