Browsing by Author Pabari, P

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Mar-2021COVID-19 and its impact on the cardiovascular systemMikhail, G; Khawaja, SA; Mohan, P; Jabbour, R; Bampouri, T, et al
1-Aug-2018Distinct impacts of heart rate and right atrial-pacing on left atrial mechanical activation and optimal AV delay in CRTKyriacou, A; Rajkumar, CA; Pabari, P; Sohaib, SMA; Willson, K, et al
5-Aug-2021Restricted use of echocardiography in suspected endocarditis during COVID-19 lockdown: a multidisciplinary team approachHartley, A; El-Sayed, A; Abbara, A; Henderson, J; Ghazy, A, et al
11-Mar-2021Urinary drug metabolite testing in chronic heart failure patients indicates high levels of adherence with life-prolonging therapiesSweeney, M; Cole, GD; Pabari, P; Hadjiphilippou, S; Tayal, U, et al