Browsing by Author O'Brien, JT

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2022A synergistic core for human brain evolution and cognitionLuppi, A; Mediano, PAM; Rosas, FE; Holland, N; Fryer, TD, et al
24-May-2016Common and distinct patterns of grey-matter volume alteration in major depression and bipolar disorder: evidence from voxel-based meta-analysisWise, T; Radua, J; Via, E; Cardoner, N; Abe, O, et al
29-Jun-2017Core outcome measures for interventions to prevent or slow the progress of dementia for people living with mild to moderate dementia: Systematic review and consensus recommendationsWebster, L; Groskreutz, D; Grinbergs-Saull, A; Howard, R; O'Brien, JT, et al
1-May-2017Development of a core outcome set for disease modification trials in mild to moderate dementia: a systematic review, patient and public consultation and consensus recommendationsWebster, L; Groskreutz, D; Grinbergs-Saull, A; Howard, R; O'Brien, JT, et al
18-Aug-2021Preclinical evaluation of (S)-[18F]GE387, a novel 18-kDa translocator protein (TSPO) PET radioligand with low binding sensitivity to human polymorphism rs6971Ramakrishnan, NK; Hird, M; Thompson, S; Williamson, DJ; Qiao, L, et al
11-May-2016Reproducibility and variability of quantitative magnetic resonance imaging markers in cerebral small vessel disease.De Guio, F; Jouvent, E; Biessels, GJ; Black, SE; Brayne, C, et al
Aug-2024Texture-based morphometry in relation to apolipoprotein ε4 genotype, ageing and sex in a midlife populationDounavi, M-E; Mak, E; Operto, G; Muniz-Terrera, G; Bridgeman, K, et al
23-Apr-2020The Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) data portalBauermeister, S; Orton, C; Thompson, S; Barker, RA; Bauermeister, JR, et al