Browsing by Author O'Brien, E

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2019Efficacy and safety of incremental dosing of a new single-pill formulation of perindopril and amlodipine in the management of hypertensionPoulter, NR; Dolan, E; Gupta, AK; O'Brien, E; Whitehouse, A, et al
8-Dec-2017Genetic variants in PPARGC1B and CNTN4 are associated with thromboxane A2 formation and with cardiovascular event free survival in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT).McCarthy, NS; Vangjeli, C; Surendran, P; Treumann, A; Rooney, C, et al
Jan-2020Lancet Commission on Hypertension group position statement on the global improvement of accuracy standards for devices that measure blood pressure.Sharman, JE; O'Brien, E; Alpert, B; Schutte, AE; Delles, C, et al
1-Oct-2019May measurement month 2018: a pragmatic global screening campaign to raise awareness of blood pressure by the International Society of Hypertension (vol 40, pg 2006, 2019)Beaney, T; Burrell, LM; Castillo, RR; Charchar, FJ; Cro, S, et al
Aug-2020May measurement month 2018: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from the UK and the Republic of Ireland.McDonnell, BJ; Beaney, T; Al Shezawi, M; Cockcroft, JR; Barciela, C, et al
20-May-2021May Measurement Month 2019: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from the United Kingdom and Republic of IrelandMcDonnell, BJ; Rees, E; Cockcroft, JR; Beaney, T; Clayton, B, et al
Jun-2024May Measurement Month 2021: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from the UK and Republic of IrelandLee, SC; Warrington, D; Beaney, T; Cockcroft, JR; Pugh, CJA, et al
1-Sep-2016Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of HDL cholesterol response to statins.Postmus, I; Warren, HR; Trompet, S; Arsenault, BJ; Avery, CL, et al
28-Oct-2014Pharmacogenetic meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of LDL cholesterol response to statinsPostmus, I; Trompet, S; Deshmukh, HA; Barnes, MR; Li, X, et al
1-Jun-2009Serum Amyloid A, C-Reactive Protein, and Retinal Microvascular Changes in Hypertensive Diabetic and Nondiabetic Individuals An Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) substudyStettler, C; Witt, N; Tapp, RJ; Thom, S; Allemann, S, et al
1-Aug-2018Surjective word maps and Burnside's p^a q^b theoremGuralnick, R; Liebeck, MW; O'Brien, E; Shalev, A; Tiep, PH
28-Sep-2016Unipotent class representatives for finite classical groupsGonshaw, S; Liebeck, MW; O'Brien, E