Browsing by Author Ma, C

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24-Mar-2017A Low-Frequency Inactivating Akt2 Variant Enriched in the Finnish Population is Associated With Fasting Insulin Levels and Type 2 Diabetes Risk.Manning, A; Highland, HM; Gasser, J; Sim, X; Tukiainen, T, et al
31-May-2017An expanded genome-wide association study of Type 2 diabetes in EuropeansScott, RA; Scott, LJ; Mägi, R; Marullo, L; Gaulton, KJ, et al
19-Jun-2022Development of porous emitter electrospray thruster using advanced manufacturing processesQuraishi, A; Dworski, S; Ma, C; Ryan, CN; Ferreri, A, et al
23-Jan-2018Erratum: Sequence data and association statistics from 12,940 type 2 diabetes cases and controlsFlannick, J; Fuchsberger, C; Mahajan, A; Teslovich, TM; Agarwala, V, et al
25-Jan-2021Evolution of MoO3 nanobelts and nanoplatelets formation with flame synthesisMa, C; Zou, X; Li, A; Li, H; Rigopoulos, S, et al
9-Nov-2015Genetic fine mapping and genomic annotation defines causal mechanisms at type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci.Gaulton, KJ; Ferreira, T; Lee, Y; Raimondo, A; Maegi, R, et al
29-Oct-2019Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature searchBrown, P; Tan, A-C; El-Esawi, MA; Liehr, T; Blanck, O, et al
3-Mar-2021Long exposure convolutional memory network for accurate estimation of finger kinematics from surface electromyographic signals.Guo, W; Ma, C; Wang, Z; Zhang, H; Farina, D, et al
1-Sep-2021Pericoronary and periaortic adipose tissue density are associated with inflammatory disease activity in Takayasu arteritis and atherosclerosisWall, C; Huang, Y; Le, EPV; Ćorović, A; Uy, CP, et al
8-Jun-2020Publisher Correction: Deciphering photocarrier dynamics for tuneable high-performance perovskite-organic semiconductor heterojunction phototransistorsLin, Y-H; Huang, W; Pattanasattayavong, P; Lim, J; Li, R, et al
11-Jul-2016The genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes.Fuchsberger, C; Flannick, J; Teslovich, TM; Mahajan, A; Agarwala, V, et al
Apr-2021The simulation of wildland-urban interface fire evacuation: The WUI-NITY platformWahlqvist, J; Ronchi, E; Gwynne, SMV; Kinateder, M; Rein, G, et al