Browsing by Author Kyriacou, C

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Ambulatory human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) testing: a verification of two hCG point of care devicesKyriacou, C; Yang, W; Kapur, S; Maheetharan, S; Pikovsky, M, et al
Jan-2022Changes in circulating kisspeptin levels during each trimester in women with antenatal complicationsPhylactou, M; Abbara, A; Al-Memar, M; Daniels, E; Patel, B, et al
Jul-2022Comparing time effectiveness and convenience of ultraviolet vaginal ultrasound probe disinfection with chlorine dioxide multistep wipe system: prospective survey study.Kyriacou, C; Robinson, E; Barcroft, J; Parker, N; Tuomey, M, et al
1-Aug-2021Contemporary experience of polyhydramnios: a single-centre experienceKyriacou, C; Roper, L; Mappouridou, S; Lees, C; Prior, T
13-Jun-2023EP.0248 Automated ultrasound feature extraction in adnexal massesBarcroft, J; Lebbos, C; Linton-Reid, K; Landolfo, C; Al Memar, M, et al
24-Nov-2021Evaluating cut-off levels for progesterone, beta human chorionic gonadotropin and beta human chorionic gonadotropin ratio to exclude pregnancy viability in women with a pregnancy of unknown location: A prospective multicenter cohort studyBobdiwala, S; Kyriacou, C; Christodoulou, E; Farren, J; Mitchell-Jones, N, et al
Feb-2021External validation of models to predict the outcome of pregnancies of unknown location: a multicentre cohort study.Christodoulou, E; Bobdiwala, S; Kyriacou, C; Farren, J; Mitchell-Jones, N, et al
20-Feb-2024Machine learning and radiomics for segmentation and classification of adnexal masses on ultrasoundBarcroft, JF; Linton-Reid, K; Landolfo, C; Al-Memar, M; Parker, N, et al
1-Sep-2021Performance of plasma kisspeptin as a biomarker for miscarriage improves with gestation during the first trimesterPhylactou, M; Abbara, A; Al-Memar, M; Kyriacou, C; Pei Chia, E, et al
4-Feb-2022The experiences and wellbeing of healthcare professionals working in the field of ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology as the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was evolving: a cross-sectional survey studyBourne, T; Kyriacou, C; Shah, H; Ceusters, J; Preisler, J, et al
Jan-2020Triaging women with pregnancy of unknown location using two‐step protocol including M6 model: clinical implementation studyBobdiwala, S; Christodoulou, E; Farren, J; Mitchell-Jones, N; Kyriacou, C, et al
Dec-2021Ultrasound characteristics, serum biochemistry and outcomes for ectopic pregnancies presenting during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: retrospective analysisKyriacou, C; Cooper, N; Robinson, E; Parker, N; Barcroft, J, et al