Browsing by Author Haar Millo, S

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Sep-2020Brain activity reveals multiple motor-learning mechanisms in a real-world taskHaar Millo, S; Faisal, A;
27-Sep-2022Digital biomarkers for deep brain stimulation programming in PDGraef, C; Bocum, A; Ciocca, M; Tai, YF; Haar Millo, S
27-Jan-2021Embodied virtual reality for the study of real-world motor learningHaar Millo, S; Sundar, G; Faisal, A;
18-Nov-2020Motor learning in real-world pool billiardsHaar Millo, S; Van Assel, C; Faisal, A;
3-Aug-2023Multicohort cross-sectional study of cognitive and behavioural digital biomarkers in neurodegeneration: the Living Lab study protocolCrook-Rumsey, M; Daniels, S; Abulikemu, S; Lai, H; Rapeaux, A, et al
14-Jul-2020Neurobehavioural signatures in race car driving: a case studyRito Lima, I; Haar Millo, S; Di Grassi, L; Faisal, A; , et al
1-Nov-2021Playing the piano with a robotic third thumb: Assessing constraints of human augmentationShafti, SA; Haar Millo, S; Mio Zaldivar, R; Guilleminot, P; Faisal, A, et al