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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Jan-2014Determination of the top-quark pole mass and strong coupling constant from the t(t)over-bar production cross section in pp collisions at root s=7 TeVChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
19-May-2015Erratum to: Measurement of jet multiplicity distributions in tt¯ production in pp collisions at √s=7TeVChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
22-Sep-2014Evidence of b-Jet Quenching in PbPb Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=2.76  TeV.Chatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
1-Jul-2019FCC-hh: the Hadron ColliderAbada, A; Abbrescia, M; AbdusSalam, SS; Abdyukhanov, I; Abelleira Fernandez, J, et al
1-Jul-2019HE-LHC: the High-Energy Large Hadron ColliderAbada, A; Abbrescia, M; AbdusSalam, SS; Abdyukhanov, I; Abelleira Fernandez, J, et al
4-Feb-2014Measurement of associated W + charm production in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeVChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
18-Aug-2014Measurement of jet fragmentation in PbPb and pp collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeVChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
20-Aug-2014Measurement of jet multiplicity distributions in t(t)over-bar production in pp collisions at root s=7TeVChatrchyan, S; Chatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A, et al
17-Mar-2011Measurement of the B+ Production Cross Section in pp Collisions at root s=7 TeVKhachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Bergauer, T, et al
13-May-2013Measurement of the inelastic proton-proton cross section at root s=7 TeVChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
1-Apr-2011Measurement of the lepton charge asymmetry in inclusive W production in pp collisions at root s=7TeVChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
19-Apr-2017Measurement of the mass difference between top quark and antiquark in pp collisions at root s=8 TeVChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
13-Aug-2014Measurement of the muon charge asymmetry in inclusive pp -> W plus X production at root s=7 TeV and an improved determination of light parton distribution functionsChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
20-Feb-2013Measurement of the Upsilon(1S), Upsilon(2S), and Upsilon(3S) Polarizations in pp Collisions at root s 7 TeVChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
7-Aug-2014Measurement of WZ and ZZ production in pp collisions at in final states with b-tagged jetsChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
1-Nov-2011Search for B-s(0) -> mu(+)mu(-) and B-0 -> mu(+)mu(-) Decays in pp Collisions at root s=7 TeVChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
18-Jul-2012Search for heavy long-lived charged particles in pp collisions at root s=7 TeVChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
13-Aug-2014Search for invisible decays of Higgs bosons in the vector boson fusion and associated ZH production modesChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
1-Aug-2011Search for new physics with jets and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at root s=7 TeVChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al
1-Jun-2011Search for new physics with same-sign isolated dilepton events with jets and missing transverse energy at the LHCChatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W, et al