Browsing by Author Ezzati, Majid

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2016An analysis of the variation in event rates, case fatality and mortality of Acute Coronary Syndrome across English districts 2006-2010Ezzati, Majid; Elliott, Paul; Asaria, Perviz;
Jul-2019Anomalous temperature and seasonality of mortality in the United StatesEzzati, Majid; Toumi, Ralf; Parks, Robbie Michael Ignatius;
Jun-2021Characterising the distributions of height and body-mass index and their interrelationshipEzzati, Majid; Filippi, Sarah; Iurilli, Maria Laura Caminia;
Jul-2023Characterising urban neighbourhoods using street view images: unsupervised clustering and perception-based mappingFlaxman, Seth; Ezzati, Majid; Muller, Emily;
Apr-2024Clustering of cardiometabolic and renal risk factorsEzzati, Majid; Zhou, Bin; Bennett, James; Lhoste, Victor;
Oct-2020Measuring and characterising worldwide trends in blood lipidsEzzati, Majid; Jackson, Rod T; Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Taddei, Cristina; , et al
Feb-2022Risk-based prevention of heart disease and stroke in Latin America and the Caribbean: a pooled analysis of prospective cohorts and population-based surveysEzzati, Majid; Carrillo Larco, Rodrigo;
Sep-2023Spatiotemporal modelling of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in EnglandEzzati, Majid; Bennett, James; Flaxman, Seth; Rashid, Theo
Nov-2021Spatiotemporal patterns and socioeconomic inequalities of noise and sound sources in Accra, GhanaToledano, Mireille; Ezzati, Majid; Bennett, James; Clark, Sierra Nicole; , et al
Sep-2015Trends and forecasts in cause-specific mortalityEzzati, Majid; Best, Nicky; Foreman, Kyle Jayson
Oct-2021Trends in morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes in EnglandEzzati, Majid; Pearson-Stuttard, Jonathan;
Sep-2017Worldwide trends in blood pressure and diabetesEzzati, Majid; Zhou, Bin;
May-2018Worldwide trends in body-mass index by urban and rural place of residenceEzzati, Majid; Bennett, James; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Bixby, Honor Ruth Heathcote;