Browsing by Author D’Ambrosio, C

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Jan-2020Amplitude analysis of the B+→π+π+π− decayAaij, R; Abellán Beteta, C; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M; Aidala, CA, et al
Feb-2020Erratum to: Study of ϒ production in pPb collisions at root sNN= 8.16 TeVAaij, R; Abellán Beteta, C; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M; Aidala, CA, et al
31-May-2018Evidence for the rare decay Σ+→pμ+μ−Aaij, R; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M; Ajaltouni, Z; Akar, S, et al
8-Sep-2017Measurement of Bs0 and Ds− meson lifetimesAaij, R; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M; Ajaltouni, Z; Akar, S, et al
1-Dec-2017Measurement of the B± production cross-section in pp collisions at √=7 and 13 TeVAaij, R; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M; Ajaltouni, Z; Akar, S, et al
Mar-2020Measurement of the ηc(1S) production cross-section in p p collisions at s√=13 TeVAaij, R; Beteta, CA; Ackernley, T; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M, et al
31-Aug-2018Measurement of the Ωc0 baryon lifetimeAaij, R; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M; Aidala, CA; Ajaltouni, Z, et al
25-Mar-2020Observation of the semileptonic decay B+→pp¯¯¯μ+νμAaij, R; Abellán Beteta, C; Ackernley, T; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M, et al
12-Dec-2019Search for lepton-flavor violating decays B+→K+μ±e∓Aaij, R; Abellán Beteta, C; Ackernley, T; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M, et al
Jun-2020Search for the lepton flavour violating decay B+ → K+μ−τ+ using B∗0s2 decaysAaij, R; Abellán Beteta, C; Ackernley, T; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M, et al
4-May-2018Search for the rare decay Λc+→pμ+μ−Aaij, R; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M; Ajaltouni, Z; Akar, S, et al
11-May-2020Test of lepton universality with Λ0b→pK−ℓ+ℓ− decaysAaij, R; Abellán Beteta, C; Ackernley, T; Adeva, B; Adinolfi, M, et al