Browsing by Author Byun, J

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Feb-2022Corrigendum to ‘An international genome-wide meta-analysis of primary biliary cholangitis: Novel risk loci and candidate drugs’ [J Hepatol 2021;75(3):572–581]Cordell, HJ; Fryett, JJ; Ueno, K; Darlay, R; Aiba, Y, et al
5-Mar-2019Genetic interaction analysis among oncogenesis-related genes revealed novel genes and networks in lung cancer developmentLi, Y; Xiao, X; Bossé, Y; Gorlova, O; Gorlov, I, et al
18-May-2024Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021Ferrari, AJ; Santomauro, DF; Aali, A; Abate, YH; Abbafati, C, et al
24-May-2017Hybrid Perovskites: Effective Crystal Growth for Optoelectronic ApplicationsJeon, T; Kim, SJ; Yoon, J; Byun, J; Hong, HR, et al
13-Aug-2018Identification of susceptibility pathways for the role of chromosome 15q25.1 in modifying lung cancer riskJi, X; Bossé, Y; Landi, MT; Gui, J; Xiao, X, et al
1-Jul-2017Large-scale association analysis identifies new lung cancer susceptibility loci and heterogeneity in genetic susceptibility across histological subtypesMcKay, JD; Hung, RJ; Han, Y; Zong, X; Carreras-Torres, R, et al
11-May-2020Protein-altering germline mutations implicate novel genes related to lung cancer development.Ji, X; Mukherjee, S; Landi, MT; Bosse, Y; Joubert, P, et al