Qazi, THTHQaziHafeez, SSHafeezSchmidt, JJSchmidtDuda, GNGNDudaBoccaccini, ARARBoccacciniLippens, EELippens2017-11-232017-07-062017-11-232017-07-06Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2017, 105 (10), pp.2772-27821549-3296 glasses (BAGs) are highly interesting materials for bone regeneration applications in orthopedic and dental defects. It is quite well known that ionic release from BAGs influences cell behavior and function. Mindful of the clinical scenario, we hypothesized that local cell populations might additionally physically interact with the implanted BAG particles and respond differently than to just the ionic stimuli. We therefore studied the biological effect of two BAG types (45S5 and 1393) applied to human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) in three distinct presentation modes: (a) direct contact; and to dissolution products in (b) 2D, and (c) 3D culture. We furthermore investigated how the dose-dependence of these BAG particles, in concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 2.5 w/v %, influenced hMSC metabolic activity, proliferation, and cell spreading. These cellular functions were significantly hampered when hMSCs were exposed to high concentrations of either glasses, but the effects were more pronounced in the 45S5 groups and when the cells were in direct contact with the BAGs. Furthermore the biological effect of 1393 BAG outperformed that of 45S5 BAG in all tested presentation modes. These outcomes highlight the importance of investigating cell–BAG interactions in experimental set-ups that recapitulate host cell interactions with BAG particles.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.Science & TechnologyTechnologyEngineering, BiomedicalMaterials Science, BiomaterialsEngineeringMaterials Sciencebioactive glasshMSCsmicroparticlescell functionion releaseMESENCHYMAL STEM-CELLSIN-VITROCONTROLLABLE DEGRADATIONMACROPHAGE RESPONSESCOMPOSITE SCAFFOLDSBONE REGENERATIONBIOGLASS(R)SILICATEANGIOGENESISBOROSILICATEComparison of the effects of 45S5 and 1393 bioactive glass microparticles on hMSC behaviorJournal Article