Mariaud, ArthurArthurMariaudAcha, SalvadorSalvadorAchaEkins-Daukes, NedNedEkins-DaukesLambert, RomainRomainLambertShah, NilayNilayShah2020-05-212020-05-212017-06-242017 ASHRAE Annual Conference Papers, 20172578-5257 paper presents an end-user technology selection and operation (TSO) optimisation model which simultaneously optimizes the selection, design and operation of photovoltaic(PV)and battery systems in the context of commercial buildings integration. Thismodelserves to guidebusiness decision makers by assessing investment attractivenessand strategies. A strong feature of themodel is that it encompasses whole life costing and carbon emissionswhile taking into accountbuilding loads and features. Input data relies on historic metered electricity demand and irradiance levels combined with real-time and forecasted UK electricity pricesat half-hourly intervals, hence providing more comprehensive results than previous works. For a selected building and from a portfolio of technologies, a mixed-integer linear programming model selects an optimal combination of technologies and capacities while establishing the optimum operational strategy that provides the best return on investment.The case study of aretail distribution centre is provided to highlight the capabilities of the model. Results showcase the model provides valuable insights into project evaluation and thus reducesthe uncertainty associated with high capital projects. Overall,attractive PV and battery storage systems investments can be identified for UK commercial buildingsthrough the implementation of integratedoptimization models.©ASHRAE ASHRAE Conference Proceedings, June 2017.Science & TechnologyPhysical SciencesTechnologyThermodynamicsConstruction & Building TechnologyDISTRIBUTED GENERATIONIntegrated optimisation of PV and battery storage systems for UK non-domestic buildingsConference PaperCEPSE_P57236