Arichi, TTArichiFagiolo, GGFagioloVarela, MMVarelaMelendez-Calderon, AAMelendez-CalderonAllievi, AAAllieviMerchant, NNMerchantTusor, NNTusorCounsell, SJSJCounsellBurdet, EEBurdetBeckmann, CFCFBeckmannEdwards, ADADEdwards2016-10-262012-07-062016-10-262012-07-06Neuroimage, 2012, 63 (2), pp.663-6731095-9572 the rodent brain the hemodynamic response to a brief external stimulus changes significantly during development. Analogous changes in human infants would complicate the determination and use of the hemodynamic response function (HRF) for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in developing populations. We aimed to characterize HRF in human infants before and after the normal time of birth using rapid sampling of the Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) signal. A somatosensory stimulus and an event related experimental design were used to collect data from 10 healthy adults, 15 sedated infants at term corrected post menstrual age (PMA) (median 41 + 1 weeks), and 10 preterm infants (median PMA 34 + 4 weeks). A positive amplitude HRF waveform was identified across all subject groups, with a systematic maturational trend in terms of decreasing time-to-peak and increasing positive peak amplitude associated with increasing age. Application of the age-appropriate HRF models to fMRI data significantly improved the precision of the fMRI analysis. These findings support the notion of a structured development in the brain's response to stimuli across the last trimester of gestation and beyond.Open access under CC BY license.Science & TechnologyLife Sciences & BiomedicineNeurosciencesNeuroimagingRadiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical ImagingNeurosciences & NeurologyNEUROIMAGINGNEUROSCIENCESRADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGINGBrain developmentNeonateFunctional MRIHemodynamic response functionCEREBRAL-BLOOD-FLOWNEAR-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPYEVENT-RELATED FMRIFUNCTIONAL CONNECTIVITY MRIRAT SOMATOSENSORY CORTEXMAGNETIC-RESONANCECHLORAL HYDRATENEWBORN-INFANTSPOSTSTIMULUS UNDERSHOOTSENSORY STIMULATIONAdultBrainFemaleHemodynamicsHumansImage Interpretation, Computer-AssistedInfantInfant, NewbornInfant, PrematureMagnetic Resonance ImagingMaleMiddle AgedOxygenYoung AdultNeurology & Neurosurgery11 Medical And Health Sciences17 Psychology And Cognitive SciencesDevelopment of BOLD signal hemodynamic responses in the human brainJournal Article