Mehta, SSMehtaBurns, KEAKEABurnsMachado, FRFRMachadoFox-Robichaud, AEAEFox-RobichaudCook, DJDJCookCalfee, CSCSCalfeeWare, LBLBWareBurnham, ELELBurnhamKissoon, NNKissoonMarshall, JCJCMarshallMancebo, JJManceboFinfer, SSFinferHartog, CCHartogReinhart, KKReinhartMaitland, KKMaitlandStapleton, RDRDStapletonKwizera, AAKwizeraAmin, PPAminAbroug, FFAbrougSmith, OOSmithLaake, JHJHLaakeShrestha, GSGSShresthaHerridge, MSMSHerridge2017-09-282018-02-242017-02-24American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2017, 196 (4), pp.425-4291073-449X practice guidelines are systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances. These documents inform and shape patient care around the world. In this Perspective we discuss the importance of diversity on guideline panels, the disproportionately low representation of women on critical care guideline panels, and existing initiatives to increase the representation of women in corporations, universities, and government. We propose five strategies to ensure gender parity within critical care medicine.© 2017 by the American Thoracic Society.critical carediversitygenderinterprofessionalGender parity in critical care medicineJournal Article