Chen, CHKCHKChenMatteini, LLMatteiniBurgess, DDBurgessHorbury, TTHorbury2016-06-232015-08-222016-06-232015-08-22Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 2015, 453 (1), pp.L64-L681745-3933 solar wind magnetic field contains rotations at a broad range of scales, which have been extensively studied in the magnetohydrodynamics range. Here, we present an extension of this analysis to the range between ion and electron kinetic scales. The distribution of rotation angles was found to be approximately lognormal, shifting to smaller angles at smaller scales almost self-similarly, but with small, statistically significant changes of shape. The fraction of energy in fluctuations with angles larger than α was found to drop approximately exponentially with α, with e-folding angle 9.8° at ion scales and 0.66° at electron scales, showing that large angles (α > 30°) do not contain a significant amount of energy at kinetic scales. Implications for kinetic turbulence theory and the dissipation of solar wind turbulence are discussed.© 2015 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical SocietyScience & TechnologyPhysical SciencesAstronomy & Astrophysicsmagnetic fieldsMHDplasmasturbulencesolar windELECTRON MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC TURBULENCEPLASMA TURBULENCEDISSIPATION RANGECURRENT SHEETSDIRECTIONAL DISCONTINUITIESASTROPHYSICAL GYROKINETICSDENSITY-FLUCTUATIONSTAYLOR HYPOTHESISMHD TURBULENCEPROTON Astronomical And Space SciencesMagnetic field rotations in the solar wind at kinetic scalesJournal Article