Hamilton, TTHamiltonMorris, RRMorrisChilds, PRNPRNChildsBoddington, AClews, D2024-07-022024-07-022007-07-122007, pp.105-108http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/112807The aims of ‘InQbate: The Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Creativity’ are twofold: to increase the creativity of our teaching, and to improve our teaching of creativity [Childs et al, 2006]. This case study outlines how we have addressed these twin goals by drawing on the experience of the creative disciplines in order to design physical learning spaces that support creation-, construction-, performance-, installation- and exhibition-based activities within a social constructivist pedagogical model. We hope that this will act as a bridge for increased dialogue and collaboration between Higher Arts Education and non-Arts subjects.© 2007 The Author(s).constructivistcreativitydesignlearningpedagogyspaceLearning from higher arts education in designing constructivist learning spaces: a case study of inQbate: the centre of excellence in teaching and learning inConference Paper