Hollington, DDHollingtonBaird, JTJTBairdSumner, TJTJSumnerWass, PJPJWass2016-01-142015-12-022016-01-142015-12-02Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2015, 32 (23)1361-6382http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/28765Deep ultraviolet (DUV) light sources are used to neutralise isolated test masses in highly sensitive space-based gravitational experiments. An example is the LISA Pathfinder charge management system, which uses low-pressure mercury lamps. A future gravitational-wave observatory such as eLISA will use UV light-emitting diodes (UV LEDs), which offer numerous advantages over traditional discharge lamps. Such devices have limited space heritage but are now available from a number of commercial suppliers. Here we report on a test campaign that was carried out to quantify the general properties of three types of commercially available UV LEDs and demonstrate their suitability for use in space. Testing included general electrical and UV output power measurements, spectral stability, pulsed performance and temperature dependence, as well as thermal vacuum, radiation and vibration survivability.©2015 IOP Publishing Ltd.Science & TechnologyPhysical SciencesAstronomy & AstrophysicsPhysics, MultidisciplinaryPhysics, Particles & FieldsPhysicsUV LEDcharge managementeLISALISADUVPathfinderUVLEDMISSIONSATELLITECharacterising and testing deep UV LEDs for use in space applicationsJournal Articlehttps://www.dx.doi.org/10.1088/0264-9381/32/23/235020