Kirkpatrick, LiamLiamKirkpatrickAdjiman, ClaireClaireAdjimanApSimon, HelenHelenApSimonBerry, AlexAlexBerryde Nazelle, AudreyAudreyde NazelleMijic, AnaAnaMijicMyers, RupertRupertMyersWoodward, GuyGuyWoodwardWorkman, MarkMarkWorkman2023-05-172023-05-172023-05-17Systems thinking for the transition to zero pollution, 2023, pp.1-18 approaches are vital for coordinating decision-making in the face of complex issues because they provide the whole picture view needed to avoid negative unintended consequences and to generate genuine benefits. This paper explains how systems thinking can be used to address environmental pollution and support decision-makers in finding solutions.© 2023 The authors, produced for The Grantham Institute. This work is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence. This licence permits all or part of the work to be copied and shared with others, provided that the original authors and source are credited. The full licence is available at: thinkingtransition to zero pollutionSystems thinking for the transition to zero pollutionReport