Ogrodnik, MikolajMikolajOgrodnikAcosta, Juan CarlosJuan CarlosAcostaAdams, Peter DPeter DAdamsd'Adda di Fagagna, FabrizioFabriziod'Adda di FagagnaBaker, Darren JDarren JBakerBishop, Cleo LCleo LBishopChandra, TamirTamirChandraCollado, ManuelManuelColladoGil, JesusJesusGilGorgoulis, VassilisVassilisGorgoulisGruber, FlorianFlorianGruberHara, EijiEijiHaraJansen-Durr, PidderPidderJansen-DurrJurk, DianaDianaJurkKhosla, SundeepSundeepKhoslaKirkland, James LJames LKirklandKrizhanovsky, ValeryValeryKrizhanovskyMinamino, TohruTohruMinaminoNiedernhofer, Laura JLaura JNiedernhoferPassos, Joao FJoao FPassosRing, Nadja ARNadja ARRingRedl, HeinzHeinzRedlRobbins, Paul DPaul DRobbinsRodier, FrancisFrancisRodierScharffetter-Kochanek, KarinKarinScharffetter-KochanekSedivy, JohnJohnSedivySikora, EwaEwaSikoraWitwer, KennethKennethWitwervon Zglinicki, ThomasThomasvon ZglinickiGrillari, JohannesJohannesGrillariDemaria, MarcoMarcoDemaria2024-06-252024-08-08Cell, 2024, 187 (16), pp.4150-41750092-8674http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/112593Cellular senescence is a cell fate triggered in response to stress and is characterized by stable cell-cycle arrest and a hypersecretory state. It has diverse biological roles, ranging from tissue repair to chronic disease. The development of new tools to study senescence in vivo has paved the way for uncovering its physiological and pathological roles and testing senescent cells as a therapeutic target. However, the lack of specific and broadly applicable markers makes it difficult to identify and characterize senescent cells in tissues and living organisms. To address this, we provide practical guidelines called “minimum information for cellular senescence experimentation in vivo” (MICSE). It presents an overview of senescence markers in rodent tissues, transgenic models, non-mammalian systems, human tissues, and tumors and their use in the identification and specification of senescent cells. These guidelines provide a uniform, state-of-the-art, and accessible toolset to improve our understanding of cellular senescence in vivo.© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Guidelines for minimal information on cellular senescence experimentation in vivoJournal Articlehttps://www.dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2024.05.059https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(24)00640-8