Liu, FFLiuGardner, LLGardnerYang, HHYang2017-07-272014-07-212017-07-272014-07-21Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2014, 102, pp.82-1030143-974X and numerical studies into the structural behaviour of reinforced concrete columns confined by circular steel tubes after exposure to standard fire conditions are presented. These elements differ from conventional concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns in that breaks in continuity are present at the member ends, which limit the longitudinal stresses in the steel and maximise the level of confinement afforded to the concrete through the generation of hoop stresses in the tube. The temperature distributions in the specimens were measured during the heating and cooling phases, while the load–displacement relationships and longitudinal and transverse strains in the steel tube were recorded during the subsequent compressive tests. 3D finite element (FE) models were also developed using the program ABAQUS to investigate the post-fire performance of circular steel tube confined reinforced concrete (CSTCRC) columns, including both heat transfer and stress analyses. The FE models were used to identify the influences of key parameters on the residual capacity of CSTCRC columns, following exposure to the ISO-834 standard fire. The considered parameters included heating time, cross-sectional dimensions, strength of the materials, steel tube to concrete area ratio and ratio of reinforcement. Finally, a design method was proposed for predicting the residual load bearing capacity and compressive stiffness of CSTCRC columns after standard fire exposure.© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This manuscript is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International & TechnologyTechnologyConstruction & Building TechnologyEngineering, CivilEngineeringCircular steel tube confined reinforced concreteCompressive stiffnessPost-fireResidual capacityThermal distributionHIGH-STRENGTH CONCRETEFIREEXPOSUREPost-fire behaviour of reinforced concrete stub columns confined by circular steel tubesJournal Article