Lebedev, SVSVLebedevFrank, AAFrankRyutov, DDDDRyutov2019-05-292019-05-292019-04-25Reviews of Modern Physics, 2019, 91 (2)0034-6861http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/70056Laboratory facilities employing high pulsed currents and voltages, and called generally “pulsedpower facilities,” allow experimenters to produce a variety of hydrodynamical structures replicating, often in a scalable fashion, a broad range of dynamical astrophysical phenomena. Among these are astrophysical jets and outflows, astrophysical blast waves, magnetized radiatively dominated flows, and, more recently, aspects of simulated accretion disks. The magnetic field thought to play a significant role in most of the aforementioned objects is naturally present and controllable in pulsedpower environments. The size of the objects produced in pulsed-power experiments ranges from a centimeter to tens of centimeters, thereby allowing the use of a variety of diagnostic techniques. In a number of situations astrophysical morphologies can be replicated down to the finest structures. The configurations and their parameters are highly reproducible; one can vary them to isolate the most important phenomena and thereby help in developing astrophysical models. This approach has emerged as a useful tool in the quest to better understand magnetohydrodynamical effects in astronomical environments. The present review summarizes the progress made during the last decade and is designed to help readers identify and, perhaps, implement new experiments in this growing research area. Techniques used for the generation and characterization of the flows are described.© 2019 American Physical SocietyScience & TechnologyPhysical SciencesPhysics, MultidisciplinaryPhysicsYOUNG STELLAR OBJECTSNUMERICAL SIMULATIONSDG-TAURI3-DIMENSIONAL SIMULATIONSMAGNETIC RECONNECTIONINTERSTELLAR CLOUDSSUPERNOVA-REMNANTSPROTOSTELLAR JETSACCRETION DISCSOPTICAL OUTFLOWFluids & Plasmas02 Physical SciencesExploring astrophysics-relevant magnetohydrodynamics with pulsed-power laboratory facilitiesJournal Articlehttps://www.dx.doi.org/10.1103/revmodphys.91.025002EP/N013379/1416729-G83228-109681539-0756