Shi, YuqiYuqiShiHu, YubingYubingHuJiang, NanNanJiangYetisen, Ali KAli KYetisen2022-06-172022-06-172022-05-31ACS Sensors, 2022, 7 (6)2379-3694 and point-of-care (POC) diagnoses are critical for ocular physiology and disease diagnosis. Real-time monitoring and continuous sampling abilities of tear fluid and user-friendliness have become the key characteristics for the applied ophthalmic techniques. Fluorescence technologies, as one of the most popular methods that can fulfill the requirements of clinical ophthalmic applications for optical sensing, have been raised and applied for tear sensing and diagnostic platforms in recent decades. Wearable sensors in this case have been increasingly developed for ocular diagnosis. Contact lenses, as one of the commercialized and popular tools for ocular dysfunction, have been developed as a platform for fluorescence sensing in tears diagnostics and real-time monitoring. Numbers of biochemical analytes have been examined through developed fluorescent contact lens sensors, including pH values, electrolytes, glucose, and enzymes. These sensors have been proven for monitoring ocular conditions, enhancing and detecting medical treatments, and tracking efficiency of related ophthalmic surgeries at POC settings. This review summarizes the applied ophthalmic fluorescence sensing technologies in tears for ocular diagnosis and monitoring. In addition, the cooperation of fabricated fluorescent sensor with mobile phone readout devices for diagnosing ocular diseases with specific biomarkers continuously is also discussed. Further perspectives for the developments and applications of fluorescent ocular sensing and diagnosing technologies are also provided.© 2022 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society. This article is open access under a CC-BY Attribution License 4.0 ( lens sensorsFluorescence biosensingFluorescence imagingFluorescent tear diagnosisOcular diseasesOphthalmological diagnosticsPoint-of-CareSmartphone readout devicesTear monitoringFluorescence sensing technologies for ophthalmic diagnosisJournal Article