Bergmeister, KDKDBergmeisterVujaklija, IIVujaklijaMuceli, SSMuceliSturma, AASturmaHruby, LALAHrubyPrahm, CCPrahmRiedl, OORiedlSalminger, SSSalmingerManzano-Szalai, KKManzano-SzalaiAman, MMAmanRussold, M-FM-FRussoldHofer, CCHoferPrincipe, JJPrincipeFarina, DDFarinaAszmann, OCOCAszmann2017-10-162017-07-192017-10-162017-07-19FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE, 2017, 111662-453X robotic hands/upper limbs may replace multiple degrees of freedom of extremity function. However, their intuitive use requires a high number of control signals, which current man-machine interfaces do not provide. Here, we discuss a broadband control interface that combines targeted muscle reinnervation, implantable multichannel electromyographic sensors, and advanced decoding to address the increasing capabilities of modern robotic limbs. With targeted muscle reinnervation, nerves that have lost their targets due to an amputation are surgically transferred to residual stump muscles to increase the number of intuitive prosthetic control signals. This surgery re-establishes a nerve-muscle connection that is used for sensing nerve activity with myoelectric interfaces. Moreover, the nerve transfer determines neurophysiological effects, such as muscular hyper-reinnervation and cortical reafferentation that can be exploited by the myoelectric interface. Modern implantable multichannel EMG sensors provide signals from which it is possible to disentangle the behavior of single motor neurons. Recent studies have shown that the neural drive to muscles can be decoded from these signals and thereby the user's intention can be reliably estimated. By combining these concepts in chronic implants and embedded electronics, we believe that it is in principle possible to establish a broadband man-machine interface, with specific applications in prosthesis control. This perspective illustrates this concept, based on combining advanced surgical techniques with recording hardware and processing algorithms. Here we describe the scientific evidence for this concept, current state of investigations, challenges, and alternative approaches to improve current prosthetic interfaces.© 2017 Bergmeister, Vujaklija, Muceli, Sturma, Hruby, P rahm, Riedl, Salminger, Manzano-Szalai, Aman, Russold, Hofer, Principe, Farina and Aszmann. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms o f the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY The use, distribution or repro duction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor a re credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordanc e with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitte d which does not comply with these terms.Science & TechnologyLife Sciences & BiomedicineNeurosciencesNeurosciences & Neurologymyoelectric prosthesisprosthetic interfaceEMGnerve transfersTMRtargeted muscle reinnervationprosthetic controlSUBSEQUENT TARGETED REINNERVATIONUPPER-LIMB AMPUTATIONOF-THE-ARTCROSS INNERVATIONUPPER EXTREMITYMUSCLE REINNERVATIONHYPER-REINNERVATIONMYOELECTRIC SENSORSAMPUTEESSYSTEM1109 Neurosciences1702 Cognitive ScienceBroadband Prosthetic Interfaces: Combining Nerve Transfers and Implantable Multichannel EMG Technology to Decode Spinal Motor Neuron ActivityJournal Article