Liu, FFLiuYang, HHYangGardner, LLGardner2017-02-242017-05-082016-05-08Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2016, 122, pp.495-5101873-5983 post-fire behaviour of eccentrically loaded reinforced concrete columns confined by circular steel tubes, also known as circular steel tube confined reinforced concrete (STCRC) columns, is investigated in this paper. A total of 12 experiments were conducted on eccentrically loaded circular STCRC stub columns after exposure to the ISO 834 standard fire, including both the heating and cooling phases. The temperatures across the tested sections, the axial load versus lateral displacement responses and the strains in the steel tubes were all measured and discussed. A finite element (FE) model was developed using the program ABAQUS, and validated against the test results from the present study, as well as related studies. Parametric studies were then performed to identify the influences of key parameters on the residual capacity of the eccentrically loaded STCRC columns, including eccentricity ratio, heating time, cross-sectional diameter, slenderness ratio, material strengths, steel tube to concrete area ratio and reinforcement ratio. Finally, a simplified method was proposed for predicting the residual load-bearing capacity of the eccentrically loaded STCRC columns after fire exposure.© 2016, Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This manuscript is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International & TechnologyTechnologyConstruction & Building TechnologyEngineering, CivilEngineeringCircular steel tube confined reinforced concreteEccentrically loadedExperimentsFinite element modellingPost-fireResidual capacityTestingSEISMIC RESISTANCESTUB COLUMNSEXPOSUREFIRETEMPERATUREPERFORMANCESTRENGTHCivil Engineering0905 Civil EngineeringPost-fire behaviour of eccentrically loaded reinforced concrete columns confined by circular steel tubesJournal Article