Grigoras, PPGrigorasBurovskiy, PPBurovskiyArram, JJArramNiu, XXNiuCheung, KKCheungXie, JJXieLuk, WWLuk2017-09-212018-03-312017-03-31Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2017, 10216, pp.299-31097833195625750302-9743 FPGA implementations can achieve significant performance and power efficiency gains over general purpose hardware. However the limited development productivity has prevented mainstream adoption of FPGAs in many areas such as High Performance Computing. High level standard development libraries are increasingly adopted in improving productivity. We propose an approach for performance critical applications including standard library modules, benchmarking facilities and application benchmarks to support a variety of usecases. We implement the proposed approach as an open-source library for a commercially available FPGA system and highlight applications and productivity gains.© Springer International Publishing AG 2017. The final publication is available at Springer via Information And Computing SciencesArtificial Intelligence & Image ProcessingDfesnippets: An open-source library for dataflow acceleration on FPGAsConference Paper 1553380671653516075101 (EP/N031768/1)1611-3349