Afshan, SSAfshanRossi, BBRossiGardner, LLGardner2016-08-222013-01-312016-08-222013-01-31Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2013, 83, pp.177-1881873-5983 paper describes a material test programme carried out as part of an extensive study into the prediction of strength enhancements in cold-formed structural sections. The experiments cover a wide range of cross-section geometries – twelve Square Hollow Sections (SHS), five Rectangular Hollow Sections (RHS) and one Circular Hollow Section (CHS), and materials – austenitic (EN 1.4301, 1.4571 and 1.4404), ferritic (EN 1.4509 and 1.4003), duplex (EN 1.4462) and lean duplex (EN 1.4162) stainless steel and grade S355J2H carbon steel. The experimental techniques implemented, the generated data and the analysis methods employed are fully described. The results from the current test programme were combined with existing measured stress–strain data on cold-formed sections from the literature and following a consistent analysis of the combined data set, revised values for Young's modulus E and the Ramberg–Osgood material model parameters n, n′0.2,u and n′0.2,1.0 are recommended. A comparison between the recommended values and the codified values provided in AS/NZS 4673 (2001) [1], SEI/ASCE-8 (2002) [2] and EN 1993-1-4 (2006) [3] is also presented. The test results are also used in a companion paper Rossi et al. (submitted for publication) [4] for developing suitable predictive models to determine the strength enhancements in cold-formed structural sections that arise during the manufacturing processes.© 2013 Elsevier. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International & TechnologyTechnologyConstruction & Building TechnologyEngineering, CivilEngineeringCONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGYENGINEERING, CIVILCold-formedMaterial propertiesSection formingStrain hardeningTestingSTAINLESS-STEEL SECTIONSHOLLOW SECTIONSCROSS-SECTIONSCivil Engineering0905 Civil EngineeringStrength enhancements in cold-formed structural sections - Part I: Material testingJournal Article