Chohan, Jasgurpreet SinghJasgurpreet SinghChohanMittal, NitinNitinMittalKumar, RamanRamanKumarSingh, SandeepSandeepSinghSharma, ShubhamShubhamSharmaSingh, JJSinghRao, Kalagadda VenkateswaraKalagadda VenkateswaraRaoMia, MozammelMozammelMiaPimenov, Danil YurievichDanil YurievichPimenovDwivedi, Shashi PrakashShashi PrakashDwivedi2020-11-132020-11-132020-09-30Polymers, 2020, 12 (10)2073-4360 filament fabrication (FFF), a portable, clean, low cost and flexible 3D printing technique, finds enormous applications in different sectors. The process has the ability to create ready to use tailor-made products within a few hours, and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) is extensively employed in FFF due to high impact resistance and toughness. However, this technology has certain inherent process limitations, such as poor mechanical strength and surface finish, which can be improved by optimizing the process parameters. As the results of optimization studies primarily depend upon the efficiency of the mathematical tools, in this work, an attempt is made to investigate a novel optimization tool. This paper illustrates an optimization study of process parameters of FFF using neural network algorithm (NNA) based optimization to determine the tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength of ABS parts. The study also compares the efficacy of NNA over conventional optimization tools. The advanced optimization successfully optimizes the process parameters of FFF and predicts maximum mechanical properties at the suggested parameter settings.© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( filament fabricationmechanical strengthneural network algorithmoptimizationsimulation03 Chemical Sciences09 EngineeringMechanical strength enhancement of 3D printed ABS polymer components using neural network optimization algorithmJournal Article