Torchio, RRTorchioOccelli, FFOccelliMathon, OOMathonSollier, AASollierLescoute, EELescouteVideau, LLVideauVinci, TTVinciBenuzzi-Mounaix, AABenuzzi-MounaixHeadspith, JJHeadspithHelsby, WWHelsbyBland, SSBlandEakins, DDEakinsChapman, DDChapmanPascarelli, SSPascarelliLoubeyre, PPLoubeyre2016-05-132016-06-012016-06-01Scientific Reports, 2016, 6 (7)2045-2322 Warm Dense Matter (WDM), the state of planetary interiors, is a new frontier in scienti c research. There exists very little experimental data probing WDM states at the atomic level to test current models and those performed up to now are limited in quality. Here, we report a proof-of- principle experiment that makes microscopic investigations of materials under dynamic compression easily accessible to users and with data quality close to that achievable at ambient. Using a single 100 ps synchrotron x-ray pulse, we have measured, by K-edge absorption spectroscopy, ns-lived equilibrium states of WDM Fe. Structural and electronic changes in Fe are clearly observed for the rst time at such extreme conditions. The amplitude of the EXAFS oscillations persists up to 500 GPa and 17000 K, suggesting an enduring local order. Moreover, a discrepancy exists with respect to theoretical calculations in the value of the energy shift of the absorption onset and so this comparison should help to re ne the approximations used in models.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit & TechnologyMultidisciplinary SciencesScience & Technology - Other TopicsINERTIAL CONFINEMENT FUSIONIRONPHASEELASTICITYPHYSICSRATIOProbing local and electronic structure in Warm Dense Matter: single pulse synchrotron x-ray absorption spectroscopy on shocked FeJournal Article