Patoulias, DavidDavidPatouliasKallitsis, EvangelosEvangelosKallitsisPosner, LauraLauraPosnerPandis, Spyros NSpyros NPandis2022-01-122022-01-122021-12-08Atmosphere, 2021, 12 (12), pp.1-182073-4433 changes in the concentration and composition of biomass-burning organic aerosol (OA) downwind of a major wildfire are simulated using the one-dimensional Lagrangian chemical transport model PMCAMx-Trj. A base case scenario is developed based on realistic fire-plume conditions and a series of sensitivity tests are performed to quantify the effects of different conditions and processes. Temperature, oxidant concentration and dilution rate all affect the evolution of biomass burning OA after its emission. The most important process though is the multi-stage oxidation of both the originally emitted organic vapors (volatile and intermediate volatility organic compounds) and those resulting from the evaporation of the OA as it is getting diluted. The emission rates of the intermediate volatility organic compounds (IVOCs) and their chemical fate have a large impact on the formed secondary OA within the plume. The assumption that these IVOCs undergo only functionalization leads to an overestimation of the produced SOA suggesting that fragmentation is also occurring. Assuming a fragmentation probability of 0.2 resulted in predictions that are more consistent with available observations. Dilution leads to OA evaporation and therefore reduction of the OA levels downwind of the fire. However, the evaporated material can return to the particulate phase later on after it gets oxidized and recondenses. The sensitivity of the OA levels and total mass balance on the dilution rate depends on the modeling assumptions. The high variability of OA mass enhancement observed in past field studies downwind of fires may be partially due to the variability of the dilution rates of the plumes.© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( Atmospheric Sciences0502 Environmental Science and ManagementModeling biomass burning organic aerosol atmospheric evolution and chemical agingJournal Article