De LucaAnthony, DBDBAnthonyGreenhalgh, ESESGreenhalghBismarck, AABismarckShaffer, MMShaffer2017-09-272017-08-20ICCM International Conference on Composite Materials Proceedings, 2017, the continuous production of carbon nanotube-grafted-quartz-fibres was performed in an open chemical vapour deposition reactor with continuous in line catalyst deposition. Highly graphitic carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with controllable lengths ranging from 0.1 μm to 20 μm were grown on the quartz fibre surface by adjusting the reduction and growth times, with shorter fibres growing homogeneously and longer CNTs growing in a splayed “Mohawk” manner. The effect of CNTs length (and thus microstructure) upon the mechanical properties of CNT-grafted-quartz-fibre/epoxy composites was investigated through single fibre pull-out test. The presence of a uniform coverage of sub-micron long CNTs led to an increase in interfacial shear strength of 11% and 29% when compared to sized and de-sized quartz fibres, respectively.The copyright for the papers belongs to the organizers, the ICCM21 Organizing committee. The ICCM21 has the right to publish the papers in any form and use them for marketing purpose of the conference. However, the ICCM21 Organizing Committee will not prevent you from publishing your paper, or results and data presented in your paper, elsewhere before or after the ICCM21 Conference provided that you (the authors) make reference (could be an acknowledgement or simply a footnote) to the paper published in the proceedings of the ICCM21, Xi'an, August 20-25th 2017."Continuous production of carbon nanotube-grafted quartz fibres: Effect of carbon nanotube length on fibre/matrix adhesionConference PaperCSTAP/01042