Crimmin, Mark RichardMark RichardCrimminCoates, GregGregCoatesBakewell, ClareClareBakewellWard, BryanBryanWardWhite, AndrewAndrewWhite2018-11-212019-09-122018-11-02Chemistry - A European Journal, 2018, 24 (61), pp.16282-162860947-6539 bonds of fluoroalkanes (7 examples; 1o, 2o and 3o) undergo addition to a low-valent Mg-Mg species generating reactive organomagnesium reagents. Further reactions with a series of electrophiles results in a net C-F to C-B, C-Si, C-Sn or C-C bond transformation (11 examples, diversity). The new reactivity has been exploited in an unprecedented one-pot magnesium-mediated coupling of sp3C-F and sp2C-F bonds. Calculations suggest that the sp3C-F bond activation step occurs by frontside nucleophilic attack of the Mg-Mg reagent on the fluoroalkane.© 2018 Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. This is the accepted version of the following article: G. Coates, B. J. Ward, C. Bakewell, A. J. P. White, M. R. Crimmin, Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 16282., which has been published in final form at activationGrignardfluorocarbons: SN2organomagnesiumReactions of fluoroalkanes with Mg-Mg bonds: scope, sp3C-F / sp2C-F coupling and mechanismJournal Article