Cimpeanu, RRCimpeanuDevine, MTMTDevineO'Brien, CCO'Brien2017-07-262018-07-022017-01-02Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2017, 98, pp.105-1311366-5545 study introduces a discrete event simulation model for the analysis of bulk carrier unloading and material transport, storage and discharge at Europe’s largest alumina refinery, RUSAL Aughinish Alumina. With novel features such as the integration of additional unloading functionality, auxiliary infrastructure units, as well as efficient maintenance scheduling into the material processing chain, the model is used to predict and evaluate the performance gain in the port system in the context of long-term investment and planning scenarios. Promising strategic directions in terms of large scale performance indicators such as berth occupancy and costs have been identified.© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This manuscript is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International SciencesScience & TechnologyTechnologyEconomicsEngineering, CivilOperations Research & Management ScienceTransportationTransportation Science & TechnologyBusiness & EconomicsEngineeringMarine terminal operationInfrastructure expansionStrategic managementComputing under uncertaintyDiscrete event simulation modelDISCRETE-EVENT SIMULATIONBERTH ALLOCATIONCONTAINER TERMINALSOPTIMIZATIONSEAPORTINVESTMENTDECISIONSSTACKINGDESIGNLogistics & Transportation0102 Applied Mathematics0103 Numerical And Computational Mathematics1507 Transportation And Freight ServicesA simulation model for the management and expansion of extended port terminal operationsJournal Article