A data-efficient model-based learning framework for the closed-loop control of continuum robots
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Accepted version
Wang, Xinran
Rojas, Nicolas
Conference Paper
Traditional dynamic models of continuum robots
are in general computationally expensive and not suitable
for real-time control. Recent approaches using learning-based
methods to approximate the dynamic model of continuum
robots for control have been promising, although real data
hungry—which may cause potential damage to robots and
be time consuming—and getting poorer performance when
trained with simulation data only. This paper presents a modelbased learning framework for continuum robot closed-loop
control that, by combining simulation and real data, shows
to require only 100 real data to outperform a real-data-only
controller trained using up to 10000 points. The introduced
data-efficient framework with three control policies has utilized
a Gaussian process regression (GPR) and a recurrent neural
network (RNN). Control policy A uses a GPR model and a RNN
trained in simulation to optimize control outputs for simulated
targets; control policy B retrains the RNN in policy A with data
generated from the GPR model to adapt to real robot physics;
control policy C utilizes policy A and B to form a hybrid policy.
Using a continuum robot with soft spines, we show that our
approach provides an efficient framework to bridge the sim-to-real gap in model-based learning for continuum robots.
are in general computationally expensive and not suitable
for real-time control. Recent approaches using learning-based
methods to approximate the dynamic model of continuum
robots for control have been promising, although real data
hungry—which may cause potential damage to robots and
be time consuming—and getting poorer performance when
trained with simulation data only. This paper presents a modelbased learning framework for continuum robot closed-loop
control that, by combining simulation and real data, shows
to require only 100 real data to outperform a real-data-only
controller trained using up to 10000 points. The introduced
data-efficient framework with three control policies has utilized
a Gaussian process regression (GPR) and a recurrent neural
network (RNN). Control policy A uses a GPR model and a RNN
trained in simulation to optimize control outputs for simulated
targets; control policy B retrains the RNN in policy A with data
generated from the GPR model to adapt to real robot physics;
control policy C utilizes policy A and B to form a hybrid policy.
Using a continuum robot with soft spines, we show that our
approach provides an efficient framework to bridge the sim-to-real gap in model-based learning for continuum robots.
Date Issued
Date Acceptance
Copyright Statement
© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics
Publication Status