Transient optical studies of metal oxides for water oxidation
Corby, Sacha
Thesis or dissertation
As the next energy crisis looms threateningly before us and we teeter on the edge of the
irreparable and undeniably catastrophic loss of global ecosystems as a result of man-made climate
change, the quest for alternative fuels is of paramount importance. Solar water splitting is an
active area of research which seeks to produce renewable hydrogen fuel from two abundant resources:
water and sunlight. However, it is the formation molecular oxygen, the necessary by-product of
water splitting, that presents the major chemical challenge, both in terms of kinetics and
thermodynamics. As such, high-performing, stable and Earth-abundant materials for water oxidation
are highly sought after. The focus of this thesis is the understanding of two such
While Chapter 1 gives a more detailed overview of the current environmental situation, the
challenges in global energy and fuel supply, and the field of artificial photosynthesis, Chapter 2
introduces transition metal oxides, the workhorses of the water oxidation reaction. The frequently
studied oxides are discussed and particular focus is given to current kinetic understanding and
performance limitations. The methods applied in this thesis are then detailed in Chapter 3.
This body of research concerns the spectroscopic analysis of two metal oxide systems for water
oxidation: tungsten trioxide (WO3) and mixed nickel-iron oxides, which become oxyhydroxides during
catalysis (Nix Fey OOH). WO3, a visible and ultraviolet light absorber, has been studied as a
photoanode for photoelectrochemical water oxidation from the first conceptualisation of this
reaction in the 1970s. Despite many years of intensive research, much regarding the mechanism and
factors limiting the performance of this robust and relatively abundant oxide remain unclear and
are frequently debated. Chapter 4 sets the stage for WO3 within the growing field of water
oxidation, with direct comparison to other metal oxides. The kinetics of water oxidation and
electron extraction are examined, revealing some unexpected trends. The timescale of water
oxidation is found to be remarkably fast, t50% < 1 ms, while electron extraction is limited by
trap-mediated transport.
In Chapter 5, I delve deeper into this complex material to understand the role of the most common
intrinsic defects to transition metal oxides: oxygen vacancies. This chapter begins by probing
the initial charge separation of photogenerated carriers on ultrafast timescales,
through which I uncover that electrons trap into defect states on pre-picosecond timescales. I then
go on to examine the effects of altering band-bending before investigating samples with different
oxygen content to deduce the importance of the resultant defect states generated. The space-charge
layer was found to boost the attainable concentration of surface holes from ultrafast timescales,
while an intermediate concentration of oxygen vacancies was deemed vital to adequately separate
photogenerated charges. I conclude by highlighting the wider significance that defect control has
across all timescales monitored, from picoseconds to seconds, and emphasise this as a means to
the betterment of existing photoanodes for water oxidation.
In the final results chapter, Chapter 6, I examine a different approach to water oxidation. This
chapter explores Ni/Fe oxyhydroxides; dark catalytic materials that can be used as co-catalysts in
conjunction with a photoanode (such as WO3) or employed independently for dark electrolysis using
renewably-generated electricity. This chapter presents spectroelectrochemical analyses and examines
the rate law for water oxidation on these materials. In particular, the relationship between nickel
and iron (the latter an often unintended dopant of the former) is examined, with the aim of
unearthing the origin of the synergistic benefit observed when both metals are present. I find that
the reactive intermediates accumulated under catalytic conditions are nickel centred at low iron
concentrations, but become iron-centred at greater Fe:Ni ratios. However, the rate order with
respect to these species is four in each case, suggesting a similar catalytic mechanism between all
samples examined.
In Chapter 7, I conclude by summarising this body of work and discuss the impact it may have on the
next steps in water oxidation research. Finally, I give my insights into the role that transitional
metal oxides may have in the future of solar energy conversion.
irreparable and undeniably catastrophic loss of global ecosystems as a result of man-made climate
change, the quest for alternative fuels is of paramount importance. Solar water splitting is an
active area of research which seeks to produce renewable hydrogen fuel from two abundant resources:
water and sunlight. However, it is the formation molecular oxygen, the necessary by-product of
water splitting, that presents the major chemical challenge, both in terms of kinetics and
thermodynamics. As such, high-performing, stable and Earth-abundant materials for water oxidation
are highly sought after. The focus of this thesis is the understanding of two such
While Chapter 1 gives a more detailed overview of the current environmental situation, the
challenges in global energy and fuel supply, and the field of artificial photosynthesis, Chapter 2
introduces transition metal oxides, the workhorses of the water oxidation reaction. The frequently
studied oxides are discussed and particular focus is given to current kinetic understanding and
performance limitations. The methods applied in this thesis are then detailed in Chapter 3.
This body of research concerns the spectroscopic analysis of two metal oxide systems for water
oxidation: tungsten trioxide (WO3) and mixed nickel-iron oxides, which become oxyhydroxides during
catalysis (Nix Fey OOH). WO3, a visible and ultraviolet light absorber, has been studied as a
photoanode for photoelectrochemical water oxidation from the first conceptualisation of this
reaction in the 1970s. Despite many years of intensive research, much regarding the mechanism and
factors limiting the performance of this robust and relatively abundant oxide remain unclear and
are frequently debated. Chapter 4 sets the stage for WO3 within the growing field of water
oxidation, with direct comparison to other metal oxides. The kinetics of water oxidation and
electron extraction are examined, revealing some unexpected trends. The timescale of water
oxidation is found to be remarkably fast, t50% < 1 ms, while electron extraction is limited by
trap-mediated transport.
In Chapter 5, I delve deeper into this complex material to understand the role of the most common
intrinsic defects to transition metal oxides: oxygen vacancies. This chapter begins by probing
the initial charge separation of photogenerated carriers on ultrafast timescales,
through which I uncover that electrons trap into defect states on pre-picosecond timescales. I then
go on to examine the effects of altering band-bending before investigating samples with different
oxygen content to deduce the importance of the resultant defect states generated. The space-charge
layer was found to boost the attainable concentration of surface holes from ultrafast timescales,
while an intermediate concentration of oxygen vacancies was deemed vital to adequately separate
photogenerated charges. I conclude by highlighting the wider significance that defect control has
across all timescales monitored, from picoseconds to seconds, and emphasise this as a means to
the betterment of existing photoanodes for water oxidation.
In the final results chapter, Chapter 6, I examine a different approach to water oxidation. This
chapter explores Ni/Fe oxyhydroxides; dark catalytic materials that can be used as co-catalysts in
conjunction with a photoanode (such as WO3) or employed independently for dark electrolysis using
renewably-generated electricity. This chapter presents spectroelectrochemical analyses and examines
the rate law for water oxidation on these materials. In particular, the relationship between nickel
and iron (the latter an often unintended dopant of the former) is examined, with the aim of
unearthing the origin of the synergistic benefit observed when both metals are present. I find that
the reactive intermediates accumulated under catalytic conditions are nickel centred at low iron
concentrations, but become iron-centred at greater Fe:Ni ratios. However, the rate order with
respect to these species is four in each case, suggesting a similar catalytic mechanism between all
samples examined.
In Chapter 7, I conclude by summarising this body of work and discuss the impact it may have on the
next steps in water oxidation research. Finally, I give my insights into the role that transitional
metal oxides may have in the future of solar energy conversion.
Open Access
Date Issued
Date Awarded
Copyright Statement
Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives Licence
Durrant, James
Imperial College London
Publisher Department
Publisher Institution
Imperial College London
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)