Theoretical Physics : [663] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 21 to 40 of 663
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
23-Nov-2009A note on the UV behaviour of maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theoriesBossard, G; Howe, PS; Stelle, KS
16-Oct-2015A self-adjoint arrival time operator inspired by measurement modelsHalliwell, JJ; Evaeus, J; London, J; Malik, Y;
24-Mar-2017Abdus Salam and quadratic curvature gravity: classical solutionsStelle, KS;
4-Aug-2021Accelerating black holes and spinning spindlesFerrero, P; Gauntlett, JP; Ipina, JMP; Martelli, D; Sparks, J, et al
11-Apr-2016Addendum to: Hilbert series for theories with Aharony dualsHanany, A; Hwang, C; Kim, H; Park, J; Seong, R-K
8-Mar-2017All (4,1): Sigma models with (4, q) off-shell supersymmetryHull, C; Lindstrom, U;
14-Oct-2004All supersymmetric solutions of minimal gauged supergravity in five dimensions. Erratum: Supersymmetric solutions of minimal gauged supergravity in five dimensions [Phys. Rev. D 68, 105009 (2003)]Gauntlett, JP; Gutowski, JB
7-Nov-2003All supersymmetric solutions of minimal supergravity in five dimensionsGauntlett, JP; Gutowski, JB; Hull, CM; Pakis, S; Reall, HS
1-Mar-2022All-sky analysis of astrochronometric signals induced by gravitational wavesGolat, S; Contaldi, CR;
29-Jan-2019Ambitwistor string vertex operators on curved backgroundsAdamo, T; Casali, E; Nekovar, S
Mar-2022An argument for strong positivity of the decoherence functional in the path integral approach to the foundations of quantum theoryDowker, F; Wilkes, H
1-Dec-2023An intrinsic causality principle in histories-based quantum theory: a proposalDowker, F; Sorkin, RD
19-Jun-2000An optimized perturbation expansion for a global O(2) theoryEvans, TS; Ivin, M; Mobius, M
21-Feb-2019Analysis of the Wikipedia network of mathematiciansChen, B; Lin, Z; Evans, TS
10-Jul-2015Analysis of unidirectional non-paraxial invisibility of purely reflective PT-symmetric volume gratingsKulishov, M; Jones, HF; Kress, B
2-Nov-2016Anisotropic plasmas from axion and dilaton deformationsDonos, A; Gauntlett, JP; Sosa-Rodriguez, O; , et al
10-May-2017Anisotropies of gravitational wave backgrounds: a line of sight approachContaldi, CR;
26-Feb-2013Anomalies and divergences in N=4 supergravityBossard, G; Howe, PS; Stelle, KS
16-Jul-2015Anti-de Sitter momentum spaceArzano, M; Gubitosi, G; Magueijo, J; Amelino-Camelia, G; , et al
1-Jun-2011Application of XFASTER power spectrum and likelihood estimator to PlanckRocha, G; Contaldi, CR; Bond, JR; Gorski, KM; , et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 21 to 40 of 663