
Avifaunal and Herpetofaunal point counts with recorded acoustic data

Title: Avifaunal and Herpetofaunal point counts with recorded acoustic data
Authors: Sethi, S
Ewers, R
Jones, N
Picinali, L
Orme, D
Sleutel, J
Shabrani, A
Zulkifli, N
Bernard, H
Item Type: Dataset
Abstract: A series of 20 minute avifaunal and herpetofaunal point counts conducted throughout the SAFE landscape across a land degradation gradient. Point counts were spread evenly throughout the 24 hours of the day. Associated with each point count is an audio recording file, so (theoretically) this could be used as a training dataset for automated bioacoustic studies. Jani Sleutel was responsible for avifaunal surveys and Adi Shabrani / Nursyamin Zulkifli for herpetofaunal data. This experiment was primarily designed by Sarab Sethi and Rob Ewers as part of the WWF Biome Health project. Full acoustic data is hosted elsewhere, contact Sarab for more information.
A series of 20 minute avifaunal and herpetofaunal point counts conducted throughout the SAFE landscape across a land degradation gradient. Point counts were spread evenly throughout the 24 hours of the day. Associated with each point count is an audio recording file, so (theoretically) this could be used as a training dataset for automated bioacoustic studies. Jani Sleutel was responsible for avifaunal surveys and Adi Shabrani / Nursyamin Zulkifli for herpetofaunal data. This experiment was primarily designed by Sarab Sethi and Rob Ewers as part of the WWF Biome Health project. Full acoustic data is hosted elsewhere, contact Sarab for more information.
Content Version: 1
Issue Date: 2-Jul-2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3265712
Copyright Statement:
Keywords: Bioacoustics
Point counts
SAFE project
Oil Palm
Tropical forest
Notes: Project: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: Continuous bio-acoustic monitoring Funding: These data were collected as part of research funded by: NERC (NERC SSCP DTP Studentship, WWF (WWF biome health project,
Access Data Notes: Files are currently under embargo but will be publicly accessible after June 1, 2021.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Natural Sciences - Research Data
Dyson School of Design Engineering