Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 19 of 19
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1-Jun-2006 | Application of IUCN red listing criteria at the regional and national levels: A case study from central Asia | Milner-Gulland, EJ; Kreuzberg-Mukhina, E; Grebot, B; Ling, S; Bykova, E, et al |
1-Mar-2004 | Body size of insular carnivores: little support for the island rule. | Meiri, S; Dayan, T; Simberloff, D |
1-Oct-2001 | Characterization of Pinus ectomycorrhizas from mixed conifer and pygmy forests using morphotyping and molecular methods | Wurzburger, N; Bidartondo, MI; Bledsoe, CS |
1-Aug-2009 | Comparative analysis of activator-Esigma54 complexes formed with nucleotide-metal fluoride analogues. | Burrows, PC; Joly, N; Nixon, BT; Buck, M |
1-Mar-2008 | Density-dependent cladogenesis in birds. | Phillimore, AB; Price, TD |
4-May-2010 | Differences in spawning date between populations of common frog reveal local adaptation. | Phillimore, AB; Hadfield, JD; Jones, OR; Smithers, RJ |
1-Aug-2006 | Ecology predicts large-scale patterns of phylogenetic diversification in birds. | Phillimore, AB; Freckleton, RP; Orme, CD; Owens, IP |
1-Aug-2008 | Fungal specificity bottlenecks during orchid germination and development. | Bidartondo, MI; Read, DJ |
1-Dec-2000 | High root concentration and uneven ectomycorrhizal diversity near Sarcodes sanguinea (Ericaceae): a cheater that stimulates its victims? | Bidartondo, MI; Kretzer, AM; Pine, EM; Bruns, TD |
1-Jan-2009 | How to know unknown fungi: the role of a herbarium. | Brock, PM; Döring, H; Bidartondo, MI |
1-Apr-2005 | Insular carnivore biogeography: island area and mammalian optimal body size. | Meiri, S; Simberloff, D; Dayan, T |
1-Mar-2010 | A leap forward in geographic scale for forest ectomycorrhizal fungi | Cox, F; Barsoum, N; Bidartondo, MI; Borja, I; Lilleskov, E, et al |
1-Mar-2001 | Low ectomycorrhizal inoculum potential and diversity from soils in and near ancient forests of bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) | Bidartondo, MI; Baar, J; Bruns, TD |
1-Oct-2006 | Modelling populations of long-lived birds of prey for conservation: A study of imperial eagles (Aquila heliaca) in Kazakhstan | Katzner, TE; Bragin, EA; Milner-Gulland, EJ |
Jul-2007 | New taxonomy and the origin of species | Meiri, S; Mace, GM |
1-Dec-2000 | Regional specialization of Sarcodes sanguinea (Ericaceae) on a single fungal symbiont from the Rhizopogon ellenae (Rhizopogonaceae) species complex. | Kretzer, AM; Bidartondo, MI; Grubisha, LC; Spatafora, JW; Szaro, TM, et al |
1-Jan-2004 | A serological survey of ruminant livestock in Kazakhstan during post-Soviet transitions in farming and disease control. | Lundervold, M; Milner-Gulland, EJ; O'Callaghan, CJ; Hamblin, C; Corteyn, A, et al |
1-Dec-2005 | The value of a long-term bushmeat market dataset as an indicator of system dynamics | Crookes, DJ; Ankudey, N; Milner-Gulland, EJ |
1-Sep-2009 | Waiting for fungi: the ectomycorrhizal invasion of lowland heathlands | Collier, FA; Bidartondo, MI |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 19 of 19