
Coordination failure caused by sunspots

Title: Coordination failure caused by sunspots
Authors: Gurguc, Z
Beugnot, J
Øvlisen, F
Roos, M
Item Type: Journal Article
Abstract: In a coordination game with Pareto-ranked equilibria, we study whether a sunspot can lead to either coordination on an inferior equilibrium (mis-coordination) or to out-of equilibrium behavior (dis-coordination). While much of the literature searches for mechanisms to attain coordination on the efficient equilibrium, we consider sunspots as a potential reason for coordination failure. We conduct an experiment with a three player 2x2x2 game in which coordination on the efficient equilibrium is easy and should normally occur. In the control session, we find almost perfect coordination on the payoff-dominant equilibrium, but in the sunspot treatment, dis-coordination is frequent. Sunspots lead to significant inefficiency, and we conclude that sunspots can indeed cause coordination failure.
Issue Date: 13-Oct-2012
Date of Acceptance: 12-Oct-2012
ISSN: 1545-2921
Publisher: Economics Bulletin
Start Page: 2860
End Page: 2869
Journal / Book Title: Economics Bulletin
Volume: 32
Issue: 4
Copyright Statement: © 2012 The Author(s)
Keywords: Economics
14 Economics
Publication Status: Published
Open Access location:
Online Publication Date: 2012-10-13
Appears in Collections:Imperial College Business School