Towards practical linear optical quantum computing
Gimeno-Segovia, Mercedes
Thesis or dissertation
Quantum computing promises a new paradigm of computation where information is processed in a way that has no classical analogue. There are a number of physical platforms conducive to quantum computation, each with a number of advantages and challenges. Single photons, manipulated using integrated linear optics, constitute a promising platform for universal quantum computation. Their low decoherence rates make them particularly favourable, however the inability to perform deterministic two-qubit gates and the issue of photon loss are challenges that need to be overcome.
In this thesis we explore the construction of a linear optical quantum computer based on the cluster state model. We identify the different necessary stages: state preparation, cluster state construction and implementation of quantum error correcting codes, and address the challenges that arise in each of these stages. For the state preparation, we propose a series of linear optical circuits for the generation of small entangled states, assessing their performance under different scenarios. For the cluster state construction, we introduce a ballistic scheme which not only consumes an order of magnitude fewer resources than previously proposed schemes, but also benefits from a natural loss tolerance. Based on this scheme, we propose a full architectural blueprint with fixed physical depth. We make investigations into the resource efficiency of this architecture and propose a new multiplexing scheme which optimises the use of resources. Finally, we study the integration of quantum error-correcting codes in the linear optical scheme proposed and suggest three ways in which the linear optical scheme can be made fault-tolerant.
In this thesis we explore the construction of a linear optical quantum computer based on the cluster state model. We identify the different necessary stages: state preparation, cluster state construction and implementation of quantum error correcting codes, and address the challenges that arise in each of these stages. For the state preparation, we propose a series of linear optical circuits for the generation of small entangled states, assessing their performance under different scenarios. For the cluster state construction, we introduce a ballistic scheme which not only consumes an order of magnitude fewer resources than previously proposed schemes, but also benefits from a natural loss tolerance. Based on this scheme, we propose a full architectural blueprint with fixed physical depth. We make investigations into the resource efficiency of this architecture and propose a new multiplexing scheme which optimises the use of resources. Finally, we study the integration of quantum error-correcting codes in the linear optical scheme proposed and suggest three ways in which the linear optical scheme can be made fault-tolerant.
Open Access
Date Issued
Date Awarded
Browne, Dan E.
O'Brien, Jeremy L.
Rudolph, Terry
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Obra Social "LaCaixa"
Publisher Department
Publisher Institution
Imperial College London
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)